[Move examples into their own file
Ignore-this: 5af34f87b1e131707174a91f26f491f6
Just to make working with the main xmlisp code easier
] addfile ./src/examples.lisp
hunk ./src/examples.lisp 1
+;; Example 1: HTML Link
+;; simple mapping between class/element and slot/attribute name
+(defclass A (xml-serializer)
+ ((href :accessor href :initform "" :initarg :href))
+ (:documentation "HTML link"))
+(inspect )
+(read-from-string "AgentSheets")
+(href XMLisp examples)
+;; Example 2: RSS
+(defclass RSS (xml-serializer)
+ ((version :accessor version :initform "")
+ (channel :accessor channel :initform nil))
+ (:documentation "RSS main element"))
+(defclass CHANNEL (xml-serializer)
+ ((title :accessor title :initform "")
+ (link :accessor link :initform "")
+ (description :accessor description :initform "")
+ (image :accessor image :initform nil)
+ (managingeditor :accessor managingeditor :initform "")
+ (ttl :accessor ttl :initform nil :documentation "don't know what this is")
+ (language :accessor language :initform "")
+ (copyright :accessor copyright :initform "")
+ (webmaster :accessor webMaster :initform "")
+ (pubdate :accessor pubDate :initform "")
+ (lastbuilddate :accessor lastBuildDate :initform "")
+ (category :accessor category :initform "")
+ (generator :accessor generator :initform "")
+ (docs :accessor docs :initform "")
+ (items :accessor items :initform nil :documentation "list of RSS item"))
+ (:documentation "RSS channel"))
+(defclass IMAGE (xml-serializer)
+ ((title :accessor title :initform "")
+ (url :accessor url :initform "")
+ (link :accessor link :initform "")
+ (width :accessor width :initform 0))
+ (:documentation "RSS Image"))
+(defclass ITEM (xml-serializer)
+ ((title :accessor title :initform "")
+ (link :accessor link :initform "")
+ (description :accessor description :initform "")
+ (pubdate :accessor pubdate :initform ""))
+ (:documentation "RSS news Item"))
+;; pick an XML RSS file from the examples/xml folder
+;; if you pick other RSS files keep in mind that the above spec is incomplete
+(defparameter *RSS-News* (load-object (ccl:choose-file-dialog)))
+(save-object *RSS-News* "ccl:delete_me.xml" :if-exists :overwrite)
+;; and walk throught the RSS structure
+(inspect *RSS-News*)
+;; Example 3: Typed Slots
+;; Typed slots use the print-typed-attribute-value, read-typed-attribute-value, print-typed-subelement-value
+;; CODECs
+(defclass COIN (xml-serializer)
+ ((head-is-up :accessor head-is-up :type boolean)))
+(inspect )
+;; Example 4: simple Aggregation: rule based Visual AgenTalk-like language
+;; use MOP name matching to implement aggregation
+;; e.g. slot "RULES" will contain a list of "RULE" elements
+(defclass COMMAND (xml-serializer)
+ ((name :accessor name :initform "" :initarg :name)
+ (comments :accessor comments :initform nil)))
+(defclass BEHAVIOR (command)
+ ((method-commands :accessor method-commands :initform nil)))
+(defclass METHOD-COMMAND (command)
+ ((trigger :accessor trigger :initform nil)
+ (rules :accessor rules :initform nil)))
+(defclass TRIGGER (command)
+ ())
+(defclass RULE (command)
+ ((condition-commands :accessor condition-commands :initform nil :initarg :condition-commands)
+ (action-commands :accessor action-commands :initform nil :initarg :action-commands)
+ (is-enabled :accessor is-enabled :initform t :initarg :is-enabled :type boolean)
+ (probablility :accessor probability :initform 0.9s0 :initarg :probability :type short-float)))
+(defclass CONDITION-COMMAND (command)
+ ())
+(defclass ACTION-COMMAND (command)
+ ())
+ )
+;; Example 5: User defined Aggregation
+;; This is by no means a complete definition
+(defclass HTML-BASE-CLASS (xml-serializer)
+ ()
+ (:documentation "mother of all HTML element classes"))
+(defclass HTML (html-base-class)
+ ((items :accessor items :initform nil))
+ (:documentation "Contains all the html items of an HTML document"))
+(defmethod ADD-SUBOBJECT ((Self html) (Item html-base-class))
+ ;; extend this method to add all html-base-class instances to the "items" slot
+ (add-object-to-slot Self Item 'items))
+(defclass A (html-base-class)
+ ((href :accessor href :initform "" :initarg :href))
+ (:documentation "HTML link"))
+(defclass FONT (html-base-class)
+ ((face :accessor face)
+ (size :accessor size :type number))
+ (:documentation "Font info"))
+Small Text here
+Large Text here
+Go CU
+ )
+;;; Example 6: specialized attribute/slot name mapping
+(defclass ARGUMENT (xml-serializer)
+ ((pros :accessor pros :initform nil)
+ (against :accessor against :initform nil))) ;; cons would be slot name that would conflict with Common Lisp symbol
+(defmethod ATTRIBUTE-NAME->SLOT-NAME ((Self argument) Attribute-Name)
+ (case Attribute-Name
+ (cons 'against)
+ (t (call-next-method))))
+(defmethod SLOT-NAME->ATTRIBUTE-NAME ((Self argument) Slot-Name)
+ (case Slot-Name
+ (against 'cons)
+ (t (call-next-method))))
+ ;; still works: could overwrite that if needed
+(against )
+;;; Example 7: Name spaces
+;;; XML Name spaces map to Lisp Packages
+;;; if you need to be able to read, say,
+;; define packages if they do not already exist:
+(defpackage PIKIM)
+(defpackage XMLNS)
+;; then define your element class including slot names and accessors with package prefixes:
+(defclass SIMULATION (xml-serializer)
+ ((pikim::content_type :accessor pikim::content_type :initform nil)
+ (xmlns::pikim :accessor xmlns::pikim :initform nil)))
+;;; Example 8: comments, http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#sec-comments
+;; well formed: (content )
+;; not well formed:
+;; Example 9: printing attributes based on accessor instead of slots
+(defclass class-with-missing-slot (xml-serializer)
+ ())
+(defmethod print-slots ((Self class-with-missing-slot))
+ '(accessor-with-no-matching-slot)) ; note: class does not have this slot
+(defmethod accessor-with-no-matching-slot ((Self class-with-missing-slot))
+ 55)
+(setq c (make-instance 'class-with-missing-slot))
+(defclass list-of-class-with-missing-slot (xml-serializer)
+ ((stuff :accessor stuff :initform 0 :type number :initarg :stuff)))
+(defmethod elements ((Self list-of-class-with-missing-slot))
+ (let ((List nil))
+ (dotimes (i 20 List)
+ (push (make-instance 'class-with-missing-slot) List))))
+(defmethod print-slots ((Self list-of-class-with-missing-slot))
+ '(stuff elements))
+(defparameter *lc* (make-instance 'list-of-class-with-missing-slot :stuff 111))
+(stuff *lc*)
+;; Example 10: Read return values
+(defclass SUM (xml-serializer)
+ ((a :accessor a :type number)
+ (b :accessor b :type number)))
+(defmethod READ-RETURN-VALUE ((Self sum))
+ ;; overwrite: instead of returning self return the actual sum of a and b
+ (+ (a Self) (b Self)))
+;; Example 11: Keyword type
+(defclass REFERENCE (xml-serializer)
+ ((name :accessor name :type keyword)))
+(name )
hunk ./src/xmlisp.lisp 2065
-;; Example 1: HTML Link
-;; simple mapping between class/element and slot/attribute name
-(defclass A (xml-serializer)
- ((href :accessor href :initform "" :initarg :href))
- (:documentation "HTML link"))
-(inspect )
-(read-from-string "AgentSheets")
-(href XMLisp examples)
-;; Example 2: RSS
-(defclass RSS (xml-serializer)
- ((version :accessor version :initform "")
- (channel :accessor channel :initform nil))
- (:documentation "RSS main element"))
-(defclass CHANNEL (xml-serializer)
- ((title :accessor title :initform "")
- (link :accessor link :initform "")
- (description :accessor description :initform "")
- (image :accessor image :initform nil)
- (managingeditor :accessor managingeditor :initform "")
- (ttl :accessor ttl :initform nil :documentation "don't know what this is")
- (language :accessor language :initform "")
- (copyright :accessor copyright :initform "")
- (webmaster :accessor webMaster :initform "")
- (pubdate :accessor pubDate :initform "")
- (lastbuilddate :accessor lastBuildDate :initform "")
- (category :accessor category :initform "")
- (generator :accessor generator :initform "")
- (docs :accessor docs :initform "")
- (items :accessor items :initform nil :documentation "list of RSS item"))
- (:documentation "RSS channel"))
-(defclass IMAGE (xml-serializer)
- ((title :accessor title :initform "")
- (url :accessor url :initform "")
- (link :accessor link :initform "")
- (width :accessor width :initform 0))
- (:documentation "RSS Image"))
-(defclass ITEM (xml-serializer)
- ((title :accessor title :initform "")
- (link :accessor link :initform "")
- (description :accessor description :initform "")
- (pubdate :accessor pubdate :initform ""))
- (:documentation "RSS news Item"))
-;; pick an XML RSS file from the examples/xml folder
-;; if you pick other RSS files keep in mind that the above spec is incomplete
-(defparameter *RSS-News* (load-object (ccl:choose-file-dialog)))
-(save-object *RSS-News* "ccl:delete_me.xml" :if-exists :overwrite)
-;; and walk throught the RSS structure
-(inspect *RSS-News*)
-;; Example 3: Typed Slots
-;; Typed slots use the print-typed-attribute-value, read-typed-attribute-value, print-typed-subelement-value
-;; CODECs
-(defclass COIN (xml-serializer)
- ((head-is-up :accessor head-is-up :type boolean)))
-(inspect )
-;; Example 4: simple Aggregation: rule based Visual AgenTalk-like language
-;; use MOP name matching to implement aggregation
-;; e.g. slot "RULES" will contain a list of "RULE" elements
-(defclass COMMAND (xml-serializer)
- ((name :accessor name :initform "" :initarg :name)
- (comments :accessor comments :initform nil)))
-(defclass BEHAVIOR (command)
- ((method-commands :accessor method-commands :initform nil)))
-(defclass METHOD-COMMAND (command)
- ((trigger :accessor trigger :initform nil)
- (rules :accessor rules :initform nil)))
-(defclass TRIGGER (command)
- ())
-(defclass RULE (command)
- ((condition-commands :accessor condition-commands :initform nil :initarg :condition-commands)
- (action-commands :accessor action-commands :initform nil :initarg :action-commands)
- (is-enabled :accessor is-enabled :initform t :initarg :is-enabled :type boolean)
- (probablility :accessor probability :initform 0.9s0 :initarg :probability :type short-float)))
-(defclass CONDITION-COMMAND (command)
- ())
-(defclass ACTION-COMMAND (command)
- ())
- )
-;; Example 5: User defined Aggregation
-;; This is by no means a complete definition
-(defclass HTML-BASE-CLASS (xml-serializer)
- ()
- (:documentation "mother of all HTML element classes"))
-(defclass HTML (html-base-class)
- ((items :accessor items :initform nil))
- (:documentation "Contains all the html items of an HTML document"))
-(defmethod ADD-SUBOBJECT ((Self html) (Item html-base-class))
- ;; extend this method to add all html-base-class instances to the "items" slot
- (add-object-to-slot Self Item 'items))
-(defclass A (html-base-class)
- ((href :accessor href :initform "" :initarg :href))
- (:documentation "HTML link"))
-(defclass FONT (html-base-class)
- ((face :accessor face)
- (size :accessor size :type number))
- (:documentation "Font info"))
-Small Text here
-Large Text here
-Go CU
- )
-;;; Example 6: specialized attribute/slot name mapping
-(defclass ARGUMENT (xml-serializer)
- ((pros :accessor pros :initform nil)
- (against :accessor against :initform nil))) ;; cons would be slot name that would conflict with Common Lisp symbol
-(defmethod ATTRIBUTE-NAME->SLOT-NAME ((Self argument) Attribute-Name)
- (case Attribute-Name
- (cons 'against)
- (t (call-next-method))))
-(defmethod SLOT-NAME->ATTRIBUTE-NAME ((Self argument) Slot-Name)
- (case Slot-Name
- (against 'cons)
- (t (call-next-method))))
- ;; still works: could overwrite that if needed
-(against )
-;;; Example 7: Name spaces
-;;; XML Name spaces map to Lisp Packages
-;;; if you need to be able to read, say,
-;; define packages if they do not already exist:
-(defpackage PIKIM)
-(defpackage XMLNS)
-;; then define your element class including slot names and accessors with package prefixes:
-(defclass SIMULATION (xml-serializer)
- ((pikim::content_type :accessor pikim::content_type :initform nil)
- (xmlns::pikim :accessor xmlns::pikim :initform nil)))
-;;; Example 8: comments, http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#sec-comments
-;; well formed: (content )
-;; not well formed:
-;; Example 9: printing attributes based on accessor instead of slots
-(defclass class-with-missing-slot (xml-serializer)
- ())
-(defmethod print-slots ((Self class-with-missing-slot))
- '(accessor-with-no-matching-slot)) ; note: class does not have this slot
-(defmethod accessor-with-no-matching-slot ((Self class-with-missing-slot))
- 55)
-(setq c (make-instance 'class-with-missing-slot))
-(defclass list-of-class-with-missing-slot (xml-serializer)
- ((stuff :accessor stuff :initform 0 :type number :initarg :stuff)))
-(defmethod elements ((Self list-of-class-with-missing-slot))
- (let ((List nil))
- (dotimes (i 20 List)
- (push (make-instance 'class-with-missing-slot) List))))
-(defmethod print-slots ((Self list-of-class-with-missing-slot))
- '(stuff elements))
-(defparameter *lc* (make-instance 'list-of-class-with-missing-slot :stuff 111))
-(stuff *lc*)
-;; Example 10: Read return values
-(defclass SUM (xml-serializer)
- ((a :accessor a :type number)
- (b :accessor b :type number)))
-(defmethod READ-RETURN-VALUE ((Self sum))
- ;; overwrite: instead of returning self return the actual sum of a and b
- (+ (a Self) (b Self)))
-;; Example 11: Keyword type
-(defclass REFERENCE (xml-serializer)
- ((name :accessor name :type keyword)))
-(name )