;;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;; ************************************************************************* ;;;; ;;;; $Id: time.lisp 9403 2004-05-19 23:46:45Z kevin $ ;;;; ;;;; A variety of structures and function for creating and ;;;; manipulating dates, times, durations and intervals for ;;;; CLSQL. ;;;; ;;;; This file was originally part of ODCL and is Copyright (c) 2002 - ;;;; 2003 onShore Development, Inc. ;;;; ;;;; CLSQL users are granted the rights to distribute and use this software ;;;; as governed by the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License ;;;; (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html), also known as the LLGPL. ;;;; ************************************************************************* (in-package :org.unknownlamer.ucw-im) ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; Months (defvar *month-keywords* '(:january :february :march :april :may :june :july :august :september :october :november :december)) (defvar *month-names* '("" "January" "February" "March" "April" "May" "June" "July" "August" "September" "October" "November" "December")) (defun month-name (month-index) (nth month-index *month-names*)) (defun ordinal-month (month-keyword) "Return the zero-based month number for the given MONTH keyword." (position month-keyword *month-keywords*)) ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; Days (defvar *day-keywords* '(:sunday :monday :tuesday :wednesday :thursday :friday :saturday)) (defvar *day-names* '("Sunday" "Monday" "Tuesday" "Wednesday" "Thursday" "Friday" "Saturday")) (defun day-name (day-index) (nth day-index *day-names*)) (defun ordinal-day (day-keyword) "Return the zero-based day number for the given DAY keyword." (position day-keyword *day-keywords*)) ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; time classes: wall-time, duration (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel) (defstruct (wall-time (:conc-name time-) (:constructor %make-wall-time) (:print-function %print-wall-time)) (mjd 0 :type fixnum) (second 0 :type fixnum)) (defun %print-wall-time (time stream depth) (declare (ignore depth)) (format stream "#" (format-time nil time))) (defstruct (duration (:constructor %make-duration) (:print-function %print-duration)) (year 0 :type fixnum) (month 0 :type fixnum) (day 0 :type fixnum) (hour 0 :type fixnum) (second 0 :type fixnum) (minute 0 :type fixnum)) (defun %print-duration (duration stream depth) (declare (ignore depth)) (format stream "#" (format-duration nil duration :precision :second))) );eval-when (defun duration-timestring (duration) (let ((second (duration-second duration)) (minute (duration-minute duration)) (hour (duration-hour duration)) (day (duration-day duration))) (format nil "P~dD~dH~dM~dS" day hour minute second))) ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; Constructors (defun make-time (&key (year 2000 yearp) (month 1 monthp) (day 1 dayp) (hour 0 hourp) (minute 0 minutep) (second 0 secondp) (offset 0) defaults) (when defaults (multiple-value-bind (h min s) (time-hms defaults) (multiple-value-bind (y mon d) (time-ymd defaults) (unless yearp (setf year y)) (unless monthp (setf month mon)) (unless dayp (setf day d)) (unless hourp (setf hour h)) (unless minutep (setf minute min)) (unless secondp (setf secondp s))))) (let ((mjd (gregorian-to-mjd month day year)) (sec (+ (* hour 60 60) (* minute 60) second (- offset)))) (multiple-value-bind (day-add raw-sec) (floor sec (* 60 60 24)) (%make-wall-time :mjd (+ mjd day-add) :second raw-sec)))) (defun copy-time (time) (%make-wall-time :mjd (time-mjd time) :second (time-second time))) (defun utime->time (utime) "Return a pair: (GREGORIAN DAY . TIME-OF-DAY)" (multiple-value-bind (second minute hour day mon year) (decode-universal-time utime) (make-time :year year :month mon :day day :hour hour :minute minute :second second))) (defun get-time () "Return a pair: (GREGORIAN DAY . TIME-OF-DAY)" (utime->time (get-universal-time))) (defun make-duration (&key (year 0) (month 0) (day 0) (hour 0) (minute 0) (second 0)) (multiple-value-bind (minute-add second-60) (floor second 60) (multiple-value-bind (hour-add minute-60) (floor (+ minute minute-add) 60) (multiple-value-bind (day-add hour-24) (floor (+ hour hour-add) 24) (%make-duration :year year :month month :day (+ day day-add) :hour hour-24 :minute minute-60 :second second-60))))) ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; Accessors (defun time-hms (time) (multiple-value-bind (hourminute second) (floor (time-second time) 60) (multiple-value-bind (hour minute) (floor hourminute 60) (values hour minute second)))) (defun time-ymd (time) (destructuring-bind (month day year) (mjd-to-gregorian (time-mjd time)) (values year month day))) (defun time-dow (time) "Return the 0 indexed Day of the week starting with Sunday" (mod (+ 3 (time-mjd time)) 7)) (defun decode-time (time) "returns the decoded time as multiple values: second, minute, hour, day, month, year, integer day-of-week" (multiple-value-bind (year month day) (time-ymd time) (multiple-value-bind (hour minute second) (time-hms time) (values second minute hour day month year (mod (+ (time-mjd time) 3) 7))))) ;; duration specific (defun duration-reduce (duration precision &optional round) (ecase precision (:second (+ (duration-second duration) (* (duration-reduce duration :minute) 60))) (:minute (+ (if round (floor (duration-second duration) 30) 0) (duration-minute duration) (* (duration-reduce duration :hour) 60))) (:hour (+ (if round (floor (duration-minute duration) 30) 0) (duration-hour duration) (* (duration-reduce duration :day) 24))) (:day (+ (if round (floor (duration-hour duration) 12) 0) (duration-day duration))))) ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; Arithemetic and comparators (defun duration= (duration-a duration-b) (= (duration-reduce duration-a :second) (duration-reduce duration-b :second))) (defun duration< (duration-a duration-b) (< (duration-reduce duration-a :second) (duration-reduce duration-b :second))) (defun duration<= (duration-a duration-b) (<= (duration-reduce duration-a :second) (duration-reduce duration-b :second))) (defun duration>= (x y) (duration<= y x)) (defun duration> (x y) (duration< y x)) (defun %time< (x y) (let ((mjd-x (time-mjd x)) (mjd-y (time-mjd y))) (if (/= mjd-x mjd-y) (< mjd-x mjd-y) (< (time-second x) (time-second y))))) (defun %time>= (x y) (if (/= (time-mjd x) (time-mjd y)) (>= (time-mjd x) (time-mjd y)) (>= (time-second x) (time-second y)))) (defun %time<= (x y) (if (/= (time-mjd x) (time-mjd y)) (<= (time-mjd x) (time-mjd y)) (<= (time-second x) (time-second y)))) (defun %time> (x y) (if (/= (time-mjd x) (time-mjd y)) (> (time-mjd x) (time-mjd y)) (> (time-second x) (time-second y)))) (defun %time= (x y) (and (= (time-mjd x) (time-mjd y)) (= (time-second x) (time-second y)))) (defun time= (number &rest more-numbers) "Returns T if all of its arguments are numerically equal, NIL otherwise." (do ((nlist more-numbers (cdr nlist))) ((atom nlist) t) (declare (list nlist)) (if (not (%time= (car nlist) number)) (return nil)))) (defun time/= (number &rest more-numbers) "Returns T if no two of its arguments are numerically equal, NIL otherwise." (do* ((head number (car nlist)) (nlist more-numbers (cdr nlist))) ((atom nlist) t) (declare (list nlist)) (unless (do* ((nl nlist (cdr nl))) ((atom nl) t) (declare (list nl)) (if (%time= head (car nl)) (return nil))) (return nil)))) (defun time< (number &rest more-numbers) "Returns T if its arguments are in strictly increasing order, NIL otherwise." (do* ((n number (car nlist)) (nlist more-numbers (cdr nlist))) ((atom nlist) t) (declare (list nlist)) (if (not (%time< n (car nlist))) (return nil)))) (defun time> (number &rest more-numbers) "Returns T if its arguments are in strictly decreasing order, NIL otherwise." (do* ((n number (car nlist)) (nlist more-numbers (cdr nlist))) ((atom nlist) t) (declare (list nlist)) (if (not (%time> n (car nlist))) (return nil)))) (defun time<= (number &rest more-numbers) "Returns T if arguments are in strictly non-decreasing order, NIL otherwise." (do* ((n number (car nlist)) (nlist more-numbers (cdr nlist))) ((atom nlist) t) (declare (list nlist)) (if (not (%time<= n (car nlist))) (return nil)))) (defun time>= (number &rest more-numbers) "Returns T if arguments are in strictly non-increasing order, NIL otherwise." (do* ((n number (car nlist)) (nlist more-numbers (cdr nlist))) ((atom nlist) t) (declare (list nlist)) (if (not (%time>= n (car nlist))) (return nil)))) (defun time-max (number &rest more-numbers) "Returns the greatest of its arguments." (do ((nlist more-numbers (cdr nlist)) (result number)) ((null nlist) (return result)) (declare (list nlist)) (if (%time> (car nlist) result) (setf result (car nlist))))) (defun time-min (number &rest more-numbers) "Returns the least of its arguments." (do ((nlist more-numbers (cdr nlist)) (result number)) ((null nlist) (return result)) (declare (list nlist)) (if (%time< (car nlist) result) (setf result (car nlist))))) (defun time-compare (time-a time-b) (let ((mjd-a (time-mjd time-a)) (mjd-b (time-mjd time-b)) (sec-a (time-second time-a)) (sec-b (time-second time-b))) (if (= mjd-a mjd-b) (if (= sec-a sec-b) :equal (if (< sec-a sec-b) :less-than :greater-than)) (if (< mjd-a mjd-b) :less-than :greater-than)))) ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; Formatting and output (defvar +decimal-printer+ #(#\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9)) (defun db-timestring (time) "return the string to store the given time in the database" (declare (optimize (speed 3))) (let ((output (copy-seq "'XXXX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX'"))) (flet ((inscribe-base-10 (output offset size decimal) (declare (type fixnum offset size decimal) (type (simple-vector 10) +decimal-printer+)) (dotimes (x size) (declare (type fixnum x) (optimize (safety 0))) (multiple-value-bind (next this) (floor decimal 10) (setf (aref output (+ (- size x 1) offset)) (aref +decimal-printer+ this)) (setf decimal next))))) (multiple-value-bind (second minute hour day month year) (decode-time time) (inscribe-base-10 output 1 4 year) (inscribe-base-10 output 6 2 month) (inscribe-base-10 output 9 2 day) (inscribe-base-10 output 12 2 hour) (inscribe-base-10 output 15 2 minute) (inscribe-base-10 output 18 2 second) output)))) (defun iso-timestring (time) "return the string to store the given time in the database" (declare (optimize (speed 3))) (let ((output (copy-seq "XXXX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX"))) (flet ((inscribe-base-10 (output offset size decimal) (declare (type fixnum offset size decimal) (type (simple-vector 10) +decimal-printer+)) (dotimes (x size) (declare (type fixnum x) (optimize (safety 0))) (multiple-value-bind (next this) (floor decimal 10) (setf (aref output (+ (- size x 1) offset)) (aref +decimal-printer+ this)) (setf decimal next))))) (multiple-value-bind (second minute hour day month year) (decode-time time) (inscribe-base-10 output 0 4 year) (inscribe-base-10 output 5 2 month) (inscribe-base-10 output 8 2 day) (inscribe-base-10 output 11 2 hour) (inscribe-base-10 output 14 2 minute) (inscribe-base-10 output 17 2 second) output)))) ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; Intervals (defstruct interval (start nil) (end nil) (name nil) (contained nil) (type nil) (data nil)) ;; fix : should also return :contains / :contained (defun interval-relation (x y) "Compare the relationship of node x to node y. Returns either :contained :contains :follows :overlaps or :precedes." (let ((xst (interval-start x)) (xend (interval-end x)) (yst (interval-start y)) (yend (interval-end y))) (case (time-compare xst yst) (:equal (case (time-compare xend yend) (:less-than :contained) ((:equal :greater-than) :contains))) (:greater-than (case (time-compare xst yend) ((:equal :greater-than) :follows) (:less-than (case (time-compare xend yend) ((:less-than :equal) :contained) ((:greater-than) :overlaps))))) (:less-than (case (time-compare xend yst) ((:equal :less-than) :precedes) (:greater-than (case (time-compare xend yend) (:less-than :overlaps) ((:equal :greater-than) :contains)))))))) ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; interval lists (defun sort-interval-list (list) (sort list (lambda (x y) (case (interval-relation x y) ((:precedes :contains) t) ((:follows :overlaps :contained) nil))))) ;; interval push will return its list of intervals in strict order. (defun interval-push (interval-list interval &optional container-rule) (declare (ignore container-rule)) (let ((sorted-list (sort-interval-list interval-list))) (dotimes (x (length sorted-list)) (let ((elt (nth x sorted-list))) (case (interval-relation elt interval) (:follows (return-from interval-push (insert-at-index x sorted-list interval))) (:contains (return-from interval-push (replace-at-index x sorted-list (make-interval :start (interval-start elt) :end (interval-end elt) :type (interval-type elt) :contained (interval-push (interval-contained elt) interval) :data (interval-data elt))))) ((:overlaps :contained) (error "Overlap"))))) (append sorted-list (list interval)))) ;; interval lists (defun interval-match (list time) "Return the index of the first interval in list containing time" ;; this depends on ordering of intervals! (let ((list (sort-interval-list list))) (dotimes (x (length list)) (let ((elt (nth x list))) (when (and (time<= (interval-start elt) time) (time< time (interval-end elt))) (return-from interval-match x)))))) (defun interval-clear (list time) (dotimes (x (length list)) (let ((elt (nth x list))) (when (and (time<= (interval-start elt) time) (time< time (interval-end elt))) (if (interval-match (interval-contained elt) time) (return-from interval-clear (replace-at-index x list (make-interval :start (interval-start elt) :end (interval-end elt) :type (interval-type elt) :contained (interval-clear (interval-contained elt) time) :data (interval-data elt)))) (return-from interval-clear (delete-at-index x list))))))) (defun interval-edit (list time start end &optional tag) "Attempts to modify the most deeply nested interval in list which begins at time. If no changes are made, returns nil." ;; function required sorted interval list (let ((list (sort-interval-list list))) (if (null list) nil (dotimes (x (length list)) (let ((elt (nth x list))) (when (and (time<= (interval-start elt) time) (time< time (interval-end elt))) (or (interval-edit (interval-contained elt) time start end tag) (cond ((and (< 0 x) (time< start (interval-end (nth (1- x) list)))) (error "Overlap of previous interval")) ((and (< x (1- (length list))) (time< (interval-start (nth (1+ x) list)) end)) (error "~S ~S ~S ~S Overlap of next interval" x (length list) (interval-start (nth (1+ x) list)) end )) ((time= (interval-start elt) time) (return-from interval-edit (replace-at-index x list (make-interval :start start :end end :type (interval-type elt) :contained (restrict-intervals (interval-contained elt) start end) :data (or tag (interval-data elt)))))))))))))) (defun restrict-intervals (list start end &aux newlist) (let ((test-interval (make-interval :start start :end end))) (dolist (elt list) (when (equal :contained (interval-relation elt test-interval)) (push elt newlist))) (nreverse newlist))) ;;; utils from odcl/list.lisp (defun replace-at-index (idx list elt) (cond ((= idx 0) (cons elt (cdr list))) ((= idx (1- (length list))) (append (butlast list) (list elt))) (t (append (subseq list 0 idx) (list elt) (subseq list (1+ idx)))))) (defun insert-at-index (idx list elt) (cond ((= idx 0) (cons elt list)) ((= idx (1- (length list))) (append list (list elt))) (t (append (subseq list 0 idx) (list elt) (subseq list idx))))) (defun delete-at-index (idx list) (cond ((= idx 0) (cdr list)) ((= idx (1- (length list))) (butlast list)) (t (append (subseq list 0 idx) (subseq list (1+ idx)))))) ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; return MJD for Gregorian date (defun gregorian-to-mjd (month day year) (let ((b 0) (month-adj month) (year-adj (if (< year 0) (+ year 1) year)) d c) (when (< month 3) (incf month-adj 12) (decf year-adj)) (unless (or (< year 1582) (and (= year 1582) (or (< month 10) (and (= month 10) (< day 15))))) (let ((a (floor (/ year-adj 100)))) (setf b (+ (- 2 a) (floor (/ a 4)))))) (if (< year-adj 0) (setf c (floor (- (* 365.25d0 year-adj) 679006.75d0))) (setf c (floor (- (* 365.25d0 year-adj) 679006d0)))) (setf d (floor (* 30.6001 (+ 1 month-adj)))) ;; (cmsg "b ~s c ~s d ~s day ~s" b c d day) (+ b c d day))) ;; convert MJD to Gregorian date (defun mjd-to-gregorian (mjd) (let (z r g a b c year month day) (setf z (floor (+ mjd 678882))) (setf r (- (+ mjd 678882) z)) (setf g (- z .25)) (setf a (floor (/ g 36524.25))) (setf b (- a (floor (/ a 4)))) (setf year (floor (/ (+ b g) 365.25))) (setf c (- (+ b z) (floor (* 365.25 year)))) (setf month (truncate (/ (+ (* 5 c) 456) 153))) (setf day (+ (- c (truncate (/ (- (* 153 month) 457) 5))) r)) (when (> month 12) (incf year) (decf month 12)) (list month day year))) (defun duration+ (time &rest durations) "Add each DURATION to TIME, returning a new wall-time value." (let ((year (duration-year time)) (month (duration-month time)) (day (duration-day time)) (hour (duration-hour time)) (minute (duration-minute time)) (second (duration-second time))) (dolist (duration durations) (incf year (duration-year duration)) (incf month (duration-month duration)) (incf day (duration-day duration)) (incf hour (duration-hour duration)) (incf minute (duration-minute duration)) (incf second (duration-second duration))) (make-duration :year year :month month :day day :hour hour :minute minute :second second))) (defun duration- (duration &rest durations) "Subtract each DURATION from TIME, returning a new duration value." (let ((year (duration-year duration)) (month (duration-month duration)) (day (duration-day duration)) (hour (duration-hour duration)) (minute (duration-minute duration)) (second (duration-second duration))) (dolist (duration durations) (decf year (duration-year duration)) (decf month (duration-month duration)) (decf day (duration-day duration)) (decf hour (duration-hour duration)) (decf minute (duration-minute duration)) (decf second (duration-second duration))) (make-duration :year year :month month :day day :hour hour :minute minute :second second))) ;; Date + Duration (defun time+ (time &rest durations) "Add each DURATION to TIME, returning a new wall-time value." (let ((new-time (copy-time time))) (dolist (duration durations) (roll new-time :year (duration-year duration) :month (duration-month duration) :day (duration-day duration) :hour (duration-hour duration) :minute (duration-minute duration) :second (duration-second duration) :destructive t)) new-time)) (defun time- (time &rest durations) "Subtract each DURATION from TIME, returning a new wall-time value." (let ((new-time (copy-time time))) (dolist (duration durations) (roll new-time :year (- (duration-year duration)) :month (- (duration-month duration)) :day (- (duration-day duration)) :hour (- (duration-hour duration)) :minute (- (duration-minute duration)) :second (- (duration-second duration)) :destructive t)) new-time)) (defun time-difference (time1 time2) "Returns a DURATION representing the difference between TIME1 and TIME2." (flet ((do-diff (time1 time2) (let (day-diff sec-diff) (setf day-diff (- (time-mjd time2) (time-mjd time1))) (if (> day-diff 0) (progn (decf day-diff) (setf sec-diff (+ (time-second time2) (- (* 60 60 24) (time-second time1))))) (setf sec-diff (- (time-second time2) (time-second time1)))) (make-duration :day day-diff :second sec-diff)))) (if (time< time1 time2) (do-diff time1 time2) (do-diff time2 time1)))) (defun format-time (stream time &key format (date-separator "-") (time-separator ":") (internal-separator " ")) "produces on stream the timestring corresponding to the wall-time with the given options" (let ((*print-circle* nil)) (multiple-value-bind (second minute hour day month year dow) (decode-time time) (case format (:pretty (format stream "~A ~A, ~A ~D, ~D" (pretty-time hour minute) (day-name dow) (month-name month) day year)) (:short-pretty (format stream "~A, ~D/~D/~D" (pretty-time hour minute) month day year)) (:iso (let ((string (iso-timestring time))) (if stream (write-string string stream) string))) (:ymd (format stream "~4,'0D-~2,'0D-~2,'0D" year month day)) (t (format stream "~2,'0D~A~2,'0D~A~2,'0D~A~2,'0D~A~2,'0D~A~2,'0D" year date-separator month date-separator day internal-separator hour time-separator minute time-separator second)))))) (defun pretty-time (hour minute) (cond ((eq hour 0) (format nil "12:~2,'0D AM" minute)) ((eq hour 12) (format nil "12:~2,'0D PM" minute)) ((< hour 12) (format nil "~D:~2,'0D AM" hour minute)) ((and (> hour 12) (< hour 24)) (format nil "~D:~2,'0D PM" (- hour 12) minute)) (t (error "pretty-time got bad hour")))) (defun leap-days-in-days (days) ;; return the number of leap days between Mar 1 2000 and ;; (Mar 1 2000) + days, where days can be negative (if (< days 0) (ceiling (/ (- days) (* 365 4))) (floor (/ days (* 365 4))))) (defun current-year () (third (mjd-to-gregorian (time-mjd (get-time))))) (defun current-month () (second (mjd-to-gregorian (time-mjd (get-time))))) (defun current-day () (first (mjd-to-gregorian (time-mjd (get-time))))) (defun parse-date-time (string) "parses date like 08/08/01, 8.8.2001, eg" (when (> (length string) 1) (let ((m (current-month)) (d (current-day)) (y (current-year))) (let ((integers (mapcar #'parse-integer (hork-integers string)))) (case (length integers) (1 (setf y (car integers))) (2 (setf m (car integers)) (setf y (cadr integers))) (3 (setf m (car integers)) (setf d (cadr integers)) (setf y (caddr integers))) (t (return-from parse-date-time)))) (when (< y 100) (incf y 2000)) (make-time :year y :month m :day d)))) (defun hork-integers (input) (let ((output '()) (start 0)) (dotimes (x (length input)) (unless (<= 48 (char-code (aref input x)) 57) (push (subseq input start x) output) (setf start (1+ x)))) (nreverse (push (subseq input start) output)))) (defun merged-time (day time-of-day) (%make-wall-time :mjd (time-mjd day) :second (time-second time-of-day))) (defun time-meridian (hours) (cond ((= hours 0) (values 12 "AM")) ((= hours 12) (values 12 "PM")) ((< 12 hours) (values (- hours 12) "PM")) (t (values hours "AM")))) (defgeneric to-string (val &rest keys) ) (defmethod to-string ((time wall-time) &rest keys) (destructuring-bind (&key (style :daytime) &allow-other-keys) keys (print-date time style))) (defun print-date (time &optional (style :daytime)) (multiple-value-bind (second minute hour day month year dow) (decode-time time) (declare (ignore second)) (multiple-value-bind (hours meridian) (time-meridian hour) (ecase style (:time-of-day ;; 2:00 PM (format nil "~d:~2,'0d ~a" hours minute meridian)) (:long-day ;; October 11th, 2000 (format nil "~a ~d, ~d" (month-name month) day year)) (:month ;; October (month-name month)) (:month-year ;; October 2000 (format nil "~a ~d" (month-name month) year)) (:full ;; 11:08 AM, November 22, 2002 (format nil "~d:~2,'0d ~a, ~a ~d, ~d" hours minute meridian (month-name month) day year)) (:full+weekday ;; 11:09 AM Friday, November 22, 2002 (format nil "~d:~2,'0d ~a ~a, ~a ~d, ~d" hours minute meridian (nth dow *day-names*) (month-name month) day year)) (:daytime ;; 11:09 AM, 11/22/2002 (format-time nil time :format :short-pretty)) (:day ;; 11/22/2002 (format nil "~d/~d/~d" month day year)))))) (defun time-element (time element) (multiple-value-bind (second minute hour day month year dow) (decode-time time) (ecase element (:seconds second) (:minutes minute) (:hours hour) (:day-of-month day) (:integer-day-of-week dow) (:day-of-week (nth dow *day-keywords*)) (:month month) (:year year)))) (defun format-duration (stream duration &key (precision :minute)) (let ((second (duration-second duration)) (minute (duration-minute duration)) (hour (duration-hour duration)) (day (duration-day duration)) (return (null stream)) (stream (or stream (make-string-output-stream)))) (ecase precision (:day (setf hour 0 second 0 minute 0)) (:hour (setf second 0 minute 0)) (:minute (setf second 0)) (:second t)) (if (= 0 day hour minute) (format stream "0 minutes") (let ((sent? nil)) (when (< 0 day) (format stream "~d day~p" day day) (setf sent? t)) (when (< 0 hour) (when sent? (write-char #\Space stream)) (format stream "~d hour~p" hour hour) (setf sent? t)) (when (< 0 minute) (when sent? (write-char #\Space stream)) (format stream "~d min~p" minute minute) (setf sent? t)) (when (< 0 second) (when sent? (write-char #\Space stream)) (format stream "~d sec~p" second second)))) (when return (get-output-stream-string stream)))) (defgeneric midnight (self)) (defmethod midnight ((self wall-time)) "truncate hours, minutes and seconds" (%make-wall-time :mjd (time-mjd self))) (defun roll (date &key (year 0) (month 0) (day 0) (second 0) (hour 0) (minute 0) (destructive nil)) (unless (= 0 year month) (multiple-value-bind (year-orig month-orig day-orig) (time-ymd date) (setf date (make-time :year (+ year year-orig) :month (+ month month-orig) :day day-orig :second (time-second date))))) (let ((mjd (time-mjd date)) (sec (time-second date))) (multiple-value-bind (mjd-new sec-new) (floor (+ sec second (* 60 minute) (* 60 60 hour)) (* 60 60 24)) (if destructive (progn (setf (time-mjd date) (+ mjd mjd-new day) (time-second date) sec-new) date) (%make-wall-time :mjd (+ mjd mjd-new day) :second sec-new))))) (defun roll-to (date size position) (ecase size (:month (ecase position (:beginning (roll date :day (+ 1 (- (time-element date :day-of-month))))) (:end (roll date :day (+ (days-in-month (time-element date :month) (time-element date :year)) (- (time-element date :day-of-month))))))))) (defun week-containing (time) (let* ((midn (midnight time)) (dow (time-element midn :integer-day-of-week))) (list (roll midn :day (- dow)) (roll midn :day (- 7 dow))))) (defun leap-year? (year) "t if YEAR is a leap yeap in the Gregorian calendar" (and (= 0 (mod year 4)) (or (not (= 0 (mod year 100))) (= 0 (mod year 400))))) (defun valid-month-p (month) "t if MONTH exists in the Gregorian calendar" (<= 1 month 12)) (defun valid-gregorian-date-p (date) "t if DATE (year month day) exists in the Gregorian calendar" (let ((max-day (days-in-month (nth 1 date) (nth 0 date)))) (<= 1 (nth 2 date) max-day))) (defun days-in-month (month year &key (careful t)) "the number of days in MONTH of YEAR, observing Gregorian leap year rules" (declare (type fixnum month year)) (when careful (check-type month (satisfies valid-month-p) "between 1 (January) and 12 (December)")) (if (eql month 2) ; feb (if (leap-year? year) 29 28) (let ((even (mod (1- month) 2))) (if (< month 8) ; aug (- 31 even) (+ 30 even))))) (defun day-of-year (year month day &key (careful t)) "the day number within the year of the date DATE. For example, 1987 1 1 returns 1" (declare (type fixnum year month day)) (when careful (let ((date (list year month day))) (check-type date (satisfies valid-gregorian-date-p) "a valid Gregorian date"))) (let ((doy (+ day (* 31 (1- month))))) (declare (type fixnum doy)) (when (< 2 month) (setf doy (- doy (floor (+ 23 (* 4 month)) 10))) (when (leap-year? year) (incf doy))) doy)) (defun parse-yearstring (string) (let ((year (or (parse-integer-insensitively string) (extract-roman string)))) (when (and year (< 1500 year 2500)) (make-time :year year)))) (defun parse-integer-insensitively (string) (let ((start (position-if #'digit-char-p string)) (end (position-if #'digit-char-p string :from-end t))) (when (and start end) (parse-integer (subseq string start (1+ end)) :junk-allowed t)))) (defvar *roman-digits* '((#\M . 1000) (#\D . 500) (#\C . 100) (#\L . 50) (#\X . 10) (#\V . 5) (#\I . 1))) (defun extract-roman (string &aux parse) (dotimes (x (length string)) (let ((val (cdr (assoc (aref string x) *roman-digits*)))) (when (and val parse (< (car parse) val)) (push (- (pop parse)) parse)) (push val parse))) (apply #'+ parse)) ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; Parsing iso-8601 timestrings (define-condition iso-8601-syntax-error (error) ((bad-component;; year, month whatever :initarg :bad-component :reader bad-component)) (:report (lambda (c stream) (format stream "Bad component: ~A " (bad-component c))))) (defun parse-timestring (timestring &key (start 0) end junk-allowed) "parse a timestring and return the corresponding wall-time. If the timestring starts with P, read a duration; otherwise read an ISO 8601 formatted date string." (declare (ignore junk-allowed)) (let ((string (subseq timestring start end))) (if (char= (aref string 0) #\P) (parse-iso-8601-duration string) (parse-iso-8601-time string)))) (defvar *iso-8601-duration-delimiters* '((#\D . :days) (#\H . :hours) (#\M . :minutes) (#\S . :seconds))) (defun iso-8601-delimiter (elt) (cdr (assoc elt *iso-8601-duration-delimiters*))) (defun iso-8601-duration-subseq (string start) (let* ((pos (position-if #'iso-8601-delimiter string :start start)) (number (when pos (parse-integer (subseq string start pos) :junk-allowed t)))) (when number (values number (1+ pos) (iso-8601-delimiter (aref string pos)))))) (defun parse-iso-8601-duration (string) "return a wall-time from a duration string" (block parse (let ((days 0) (secs 0) (hours 0) (minutes 0) (index 1)) (loop (multiple-value-bind (duration next-index duration-type) (iso-8601-duration-subseq string index) (case duration-type (:hours (incf hours duration)) (:minutes (incf minutes duration)) (:seconds (incf secs duration)) (:days (incf days duration)) (t (return-from parse (make-duration :day days :hour hours :minute minutes :second secs)))) (setf index next-index)))))) ;; e.g. 2000-11-11 00:00:00-06 (defun parse-iso-8601-time (string) "return the wall-time corresponding to the given ISO 8601 datestring" (multiple-value-bind (year month day hour minute second offset) (syntax-parse-iso-8601 string) (make-time :year year :month month :day day :hour hour :minute minute :second second :offset offset))) (defun syntax-parse-iso-8601 (string) (let (year month day hour minute second gmt-sec-offset) (handler-case (progn (setf year (parse-integer (subseq string 0 4)) month (parse-integer (subseq string 5 7)) day (parse-integer (subseq string 8 10)) hour (if (<= 13 (length string)) (parse-integer (subseq string 11 13)) 0) minute (if (<= 16 (length string)) (parse-integer (subseq string 14 16)) 0) second (if (<= 19 (length string)) (parse-integer (subseq string 17 19)) 0) gmt-sec-offset (if (<= 22 (length string)) (* 60 60 (parse-integer (subseq string 19 22))) 0)) (unless (< 0 year) (error 'iso-8601-syntax-error :bad-component '(year . 0))) (unless (< 0 month) (error 'iso-8601-syntax-error :bad-component '(month . 0))) (unless (< 0 day) (error 'iso-8601-syntax-error :bad-component '(month . 0))) (values year month day hour minute second gmt-sec-offset)) (simple-error () (error 'iso-8601-syntax-error :bad-component (car (find-if (lambda (pair) (null (cdr pair))) `((year . ,year) (month . ,month) (day . ,day) (hour ,hour) (minute ,minute) (second ,second) (timezone ,gmt-sec-offset)))))))))