(in-package :lang) (defresources en (file-last-modification-timestamp<> (file) (<:as-html "Updated: ") (aif (file-write-date file) (timestamp<> (local-time:local-time :universal it)) (<:span :class "missing-file" "File is missing!"))) (your-session-has-expired "Your session has expired or has been deleted on the server")) (define-js-resources en (confirm-pending-changes #.(format nil "You have pending changes.~%Are you sure you want to abandon them?")) (warning.session-will-time-out-at "Your session will time out at '${deadline}'!") (warning.session-timed-out "Your session had timed out, connection is lost!") (unknown-error-while-processing-server-answer "Error while processing the request. Try to reload the page and if the error persists then contact the technical support.") (ucw.session-expired-approve-redirect-message "Your session has expired. Do you want to reload the page to start a fresh one?") (unknown-server-error "Unknown server error") (network-error "There was an error while communicating with the server, try again.") (progress.tooltip "Click to remove") (progress-label.default "Loading...") (progress-label.closing-tab "Closing tab...") (progress-label.loading-tab "Loading tab...") (progress-label.loading-container-child "Loading..."))