;; -*- lisp -*- (in-package :it.bese.ucw) ;;;; ** Message Dialog Component (defclass info-message () ((message :initarg :message :accessor message) (ok-text :initarg :ok-text :accessor ok-text :initform "Ok.")) (:documentation "Component for showing a message to the user. If the OK-TEXT slot is non-NIL component will use that as the text for a link which, when clicked, causes the component to answer. It follows that if OK-TEXT is NIL this component will never answer.") (:metaclass standard-component-class)) (defmethod render ((self info-message)) (flet ((body () (<:p (<:as-html (message self))) (when (and (ok-text self) (was-called-p self)) ;; TODO this should be factored out from here (<:p (