;; -*- lisp -*- (in-package :it.bese.ucw.core) ;;;; ** A Trivial HTTP Server (defclass httpd-backend (basic-backend) ((controller :initform nil :accessor controller-of) (acceptor :initform nil :accessor acceptor-of) (workers :initform '() :accessor workers-of) (available-workers :initform '() :accessor available-workers-of) (worker-count :initform 0 :accessor worker-count-of :documentation "The number of workers to initially create and once the server is running how many are currently hanging around.") (maximum-worker-count :initform 32 :accessor maximum-worker-count-of :initarg :maximum-worker-count :documentation "The upper limit for the number of workers.") (request-timeout :initform 90 :accessor request-timeout-of :documentation "Drop requests that can't be served in this time (measured in seconds).")) (:documentation "Generic multithreaded backend. 2 main threads: * ACCEPTOR sits in a tight loop waiting for incoming connections on the backend's socket. When it gets a connection it sends the CONNECTION message to control thread with the newly created stream. * CONTROLLER sits and reacts to various messages: 1) SHUTDOWN - sends STOP messages to the workers and then closes all the sockets and streams. 2) CONNECTION - Removes a worker from the pool and sends it a CONNECTION message. A new worker will be spawned if none are available up to MAXIMUM-WORKER-COUNT. When the worker is finished it sends a WORKER-DONE message. 3) WORKER-DONE - A worker has finished processing a request and will be restored to the pool. 4) ERROR - A worker has encountered an error. Seperate lists are kept for all workers for use when shutting and of the available-workers for handling request.")) ;; so we may get called with :host nil :port nil still meaning the default (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((self httpd-backend) &rest args) (unless (host self) (setf (host self) "")) (unless (port self) (setf (port self) 8080))) (defclass httpd-message (basic-message) ()) (defmethod network-stream ((message httpd-message)) (usocket:socket-stream (socket message))) (defmethod remote-address ((message httpd-message)) (or (ignore-errors (coerce (usocket:get-peer-address (socket message)) 'ip-v4-address)) (ignore-errors (coerce (usocket:get-peer-address (socket message)) 'ip-v6-address)))) (defclass httpd-request (httpd-message basic-request) ()) (defclass httpd-response (httpd-message basic-response) ()) ;;;; Backend methods (defmethod startup-backend :before ((backend httpd-backend) &key &allow-other-keys) (loop (with-simple-restart (retry "Try opening the socket again on host ~S port ~S" (host backend) (port backend)) (setf (socket backend) (usocket:socket-listen (host backend) (port backend) :reuse-address t :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))) (return)))) (defmethod read-request ((backend httpd-backend) stream-socket) "Reads an HTTP request message from STREAM. Returns a httpd-request object." (let ((*request* (make-instance 'httpd-request :socket stream-socket))) (read-basic-request))) (defmethod make-response ((request httpd-request)) (make-instance 'httpd-response :request request :socket (socket request))) (defclass pending-request () ((socket :accessor socket :initarg :socket :documentation "The return value of usocket:socket-accept.") (request-start-time :accessor request-start-time :initform (get-universal-time))) (:documentation "Used to keep track of how old an unallocated request is.")) (defclass httpd-worker (thread-with-message-queue-mixin) ()) (defun make-httpd-worker (backend) (let ((worker (make-instance 'httpd-worker))) (setf (thread-of worker) (make-thread (lambda () (httpd-worker-loop backend worker)) :name (format nil "ucw ~a" (worker-count-of backend)))) (push worker (workers-of backend)) (incf (worker-count-of backend)) (ucw.backend.info "Spawned new worker thread ~A" worker) worker)) (defclass httpd-controller (thread-with-message-queue-mixin) ()) (defun make-httpd-controller (backend) (assert (not (controller-of backend))) (let ((controller (make-instance 'httpd-controller))) (setf (controller-of backend) controller) (setf (thread-of controller) (make-thread (lambda () (httpd-controller-loop backend)) :name "ucw controller")) controller)) (defclass httpd-acceptor (thread-with-message-queue-mixin) ()) (defun make-httpd-acceptor (backend) (assert (not (acceptor-of backend))) (let ((acceptor (make-instance 'httpd-acceptor))) (setf (acceptor-of backend) acceptor) (setf (thread-of acceptor) (make-thread (lambda () (block accepting (handler-bind ((serious-condition (lambda (error) (ucw.backend.error "Error in accept thread, starting a new one. The error is~%~A" error) (when (debug-on-error nil) (with-simple-restart (continue "Exit this thread and start a new acceptor thread") (invoke-slime-debugger-if-possible error))) (setf (acceptor-of backend) nil) (send 'start (make-httpd-acceptor backend)) (return-from accepting)))) (httpd-accept-loop backend)))) :name "ucw acceptor")) acceptor)) (defun next-available-worker! (backend) "Get the next available worker from the backend. If none are available but we aren't above the max-workers then allocate a new one." (if (available-workers-of backend) (pop (available-workers-of backend)) (when (< (worker-count-of backend) (maximum-worker-count-of backend)) (ucw.backend.dribble "Spawning new worker thread because there weren't enough available") (make-httpd-worker backend)))) (defgeneric pending-request-valid-p (backend pending-request)) (defmethod pending-request-valid-p ((backend httpd-backend) (pending-request pending-request)) "Returns T if PENDING-REQUEST is young enough to still be servicable. This is calculated by comparing the time at which the request came in with BACKEND's REQUEST-TIMEOUT." (< (- (get-universal-time) (request-start-time pending-request)) (request-timeout-of backend))) (defun allocate-worker (backend pending-request) ;; if we have a worker, tell it to handle the request, ;; otherwise requeue the request in the control thread and hopefully ;; in the meantime a worker will finish up. (if-bind worker (next-available-worker! backend) (send worker 'connection pending-request) ;; safeguard against a request being requeued too many times. (if (pending-request-valid-p backend pending-request) (send (controller-of backend) 'connection pending-request) ; requeue (progn (usocket:socket-close (socket pending-request)) (ucw.backend.error "Incoming request dropped because no workers were available for ~A seconds." (request-timeout-of backend)))))) (defun httpd-controller-loop (backend) (assert (controller-of backend)) (flet ((execute-shutdown () (setf (controller-of backend) nil) (iter (for worker :in (workers-of backend)) (send worker 'stop)) (setf (workers-of backend) '() (available-workers-of backend) '() (worker-count-of backend) 0))) (loop (receive (controller-of backend) ((shutdown) (execute-shutdown) (return-from httpd-controller-loop)) ((start) (return)))) (assert (acceptor-of backend)) ;; the slot on the backend may get cleared, cache them at start (let ((controller (controller-of backend)) (acceptor (acceptor-of backend))) (ucw.backend.debug "Controller is up, starting the acceptor") (send acceptor 'start) (flet ((control-loop-error (condition) (when *debug-on-error* (invoke-slime-debugger-if-possible condition)) (ucw.backend.error "There was an error in the control loop that was ignored because there is no debugger attached:~%~A" condition) (continue))) (loop (handler-bind ((error #'control-loop-error)) (restart-case (receive controller ((shutdown) (execute-shutdown) (return-from httpd-controller-loop)) ((connection ?pending-request) (allocate-worker backend ?pending-request)) ((worker-done ?worker) (push ?worker (available-workers-of backend))) ((unregister-worker ?worker) (ucw.backend.error "Worker ~A is being removed due to an error" ?worker) (setf (workers-of backend) (remove ?worker (workers-of backend))) (decf (worker-count-of backend)))) (continue () :report "Ignore the error and continue processing." nil) (kill-control-thread () :report "Return from httpd-controller-loop immediately." (return-from httpd-controller-loop)) (shutdown-backend (&optional (force nil)) :report "Send the backend a shutdown message." (make-thread (lambda () (shutdown-backend backend :force force)) :name "shutdown-backend thread") nil)))))))) (defun httpd-worker-loop (backend worker) (assert (controller-of backend)) ;; the slot on the backend may get cleared, cache them at start (let ((controller (controller-of backend))) (restart-case (loop (receive worker ((stop) (return)) ((connection ?pending-request) (let ((stream-socket (socket ?pending-request))) (flet ((serve-one-request () (unwind-protect (let* ((*request* (read-request backend stream-socket)) (*response* (make-response *request*))) (with-thread-name " / HANDLE-REQUEST" (handle-request backend *request* *response*)) (with-thread-name " / CLOSE-REQUEST" (close-request *request*)) ;; be friendly to the gc if closing the socket takes time (setf *request* nil *response* nil)) (with-thread-name " / closing the socket" (ignore-errors (usocket:socket-close stream-socket))))) (handle-request-error (condition) (with-thread-name " / handling an error" (unless (typep condition 'no-handler-for-request) (ucw.backend.error "Error while handling a httpd backend request in worker ~A on socket ~A:~%~A" worker stream-socket condition)) (handle-toplevel-condition nil condition nil) (ucw.backend.error "Should not get here, removing this worker...") (return)))) (ucw.backend.dribble "Worker ~A is processing a request" worker) (call-as-backend-request-handler #'serve-one-request :error-handler #'handle-request-error) (ucw.backend.dribble "Worker ~A finished processing a request, sending 'worker-done" worker) ;; only send worker-done after everything else is complete ;; (closing the stream) and there haven't been any errors. (send controller 'worker-done worker)))))) (remove-worker () :report (lambda (stream) (format stream "Stop and remove worker ~A" worker)) (values))) (ucw.backend.dribble "Worker ~A is going away" worker) (send controller 'unregister-worker worker))) (defun httpd-accept-loop (backend) (assert (and (acceptor-of backend) (controller-of backend))) ;; the slot on the backend may get cleared, cache them at start (let ((acceptor (acceptor-of backend)) (controller (controller-of backend))) (loop (receive acceptor ((start) (return)))) (ucw.backend.debug "Acceptor is up, starting to accept connections") (iter (for stream-socket = (usocket:socket-accept (socket backend) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))) (while (socket backend)) (if (or (available-workers-of backend) (< (length (workers-of backend)) (maximum-worker-count-of backend))) (send controller 'connection (make-instance 'pending-request :socket stream-socket)) (unwind-protect (progn (ucw.backend.warn "No workers available, temporarily not accepting connections...") ;; TODO FIXME KLUDGE calling read-request for uploads here was a really bad idea! (let* ((*request* (make-instance 'httpd-request :socket stream-socket)) (*response* (make-instance 'httpd-response :request nil :socket stream-socket))) (send-standard-error-page :http-status-code +http-service-unavailable+ :title "Server is overloaded" :message "The server is overloaded, please try again later")) #+sbcl(sb-unix:nanosleep 0 #.(* 1000 1000 200)) #-sbcl(sleep 1)) (ignore-errors (usocket:socket-close stream-socket))))))) (defmethod startup-backend ((backend httpd-backend) &key (initial-worker-count 2) &allow-other-keys) (ucw.backend.debug "Spawning controller thread, acceptor thread and the initial workers") (let ((ok nil)) (unwind-protect (progn (make-httpd-controller backend) (make-httpd-acceptor backend) (iter (for n :from 0 :below initial-worker-count) (make-httpd-worker backend)) (setf (available-workers-of backend) (copy-list (workers-of backend))) (ucw.backend.debug "Workers are up, starting the control thread") (send (controller-of backend) 'start) (ucw.backend.debug "Backend successfully started") (setf ok t)) (unless ok (ucw.backend.debug "Cleaning up after a failed backend start") (shutdown-backend backend :force t)))) backend) (defmethod shutdown-backend ((backend httpd-backend) &key force &allow-other-keys) (macrolet ((kill-thread-and-catch-error (thread) (rebinding (thread) `(block kill-worker (handler-bind ((error (lambda (c) (warn "Error while killing ~S: ~A." ,thread c) (return-from kill-worker)))) (let ((os-thread (thread-of ,thread))) (ucw.backend.dribble "Killing thread ~A; os thread is ~A" ,thread os-thread) (destroy-thread os-thread))))))) (ucw.backend.dribble "Shutting down httpd-backend ~A, force? ~A" backend force) (awhen (socket backend) (setf (socket backend) nil) (ucw.backend.dribble "Closing socket ~A" it) (usocket:socket-close it)) (if force (progn (iter (for worker :in (workers-of backend)) (kill-thread-and-catch-error worker)) (awhen (acceptor-of backend) (kill-thread-and-catch-error it)) (awhen (controller-of backend) (kill-thread-and-catch-error it)) (setf (workers-of backend) '() (available-workers-of backend) '() (worker-count-of backend) 0 (controller-of backend) nil (acceptor-of backend) nil)) (progn (awhen (acceptor-of backend) (kill-thread-and-catch-error it) (setf (acceptor-of backend) nil)) (send (controller-of backend) 'shutdown))))) ;; Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Edward Marco Baringer ;; All rights reserved. ;; ;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are ;; met: ;; ;; - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ;; ;; - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ;; documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ;; ;; - Neither the name of Edward Marco Baringer, nor BESE, nor the names ;; of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products ;; derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ;; ;; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ;; "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ;; LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ;; A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ;; OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ;; SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT ;; LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ;; DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ;; THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ;; (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE ;; OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.