#!/uns/bin/zsh -f # Use this script to copy the dynamic libraries to lib subdir # and put $SCWMDIR/modules/lib in your SCWM_LOAD_PATH # ahead of the system libraries. # This will let you test w/o installing # Can give an argument to this script, too: # e.g.,: # make-devtest devlib # then use $SCWMDIR/modules/devlib in your SCWM_LOAD_PATH # so that your main Scwm does not crash libdir=${1:-lib} if [ ! -d $libdir ]; then mkdir $libdir fi cd $libdir pwd if [ ! -L app ]; then ln -sf . app fi if [ ! -L scwm ]; then ln -sf . scwm fi cd .. setopt extended_glob for i in **/lib*.so*~*lib/*(D); do rm $libdir/${i:t} cp $i $libdir # does not preserve symlinks, but who cares done echo $SCWM_LOAD_PATH $GUILE_LOAD_PATH | grep -q $PWD || { print -u2 "Put `pwd`/$libdir in your SCWM_LOAD_PATH" }