Starting with inventory: 0000054327-6e3bea9ae890c1c2bc1f7bf7edeafb2caa9aea23d7e60f7c6422e19f4be9174d [TAG before_cppp Unknown tagger**20090525183756 Ignore-this: c13f70b9d3dceeecab1a261667d2367b ] hash: 0000039813-cf8e27c3151abd89dfae7ef779fe042a1bdf97d50f62b8641e1f06295e5ae426 [[project @ 1997-11-06 02:55:20 by gjb] gjb**19971106025528 Ignore-this: 43fdb4016d26034158748c5a4a1b76b7 Ran "cppp" over the source w/ -DXPM -DSHAPE -DACTIVEDOWN_BTNS -DINACTIVE_BTNS -DMINI_ICONS -DVECTOR_BUTTONS -DPIXMAP_BUTTONS -DGRADIENT_BUTTONS -DMULTISTYLE -DEXTENDED_TITLESTYLE -DBORDERSTYLE -DUSEDECOR -DWINDOWSHADE Cppp is the C-preprocessor partial evaluator; it partially preprocesses w/o losing source information-- basically eliminates cpp conditional constructs for conditions you know to be true. I rtag-ged with "before_cppp" before this check in so we can see the prior version for now. Yes, these are automatic changes, but I looked at the diffs line by line and am more confident that the changes were made correctly than if I'd done them by hand. Reduced code by another couple thousand lines! ] hash: 0000023936-002dc869671d3a56476a6c0f47b54387ff884895946a9a3e1b4ec98d58b44823 [[project @ 1997-11-06 16:00:17 by mstachow] mstachow**19971106160017 Ignore-this: 2b93f99e97debb550073d212dbe95ef5 Stop using the code in envvar.c for environment variable expansion in paths and remove it from the build process as well as from the repository. ] hash: 0000017984-a680cd10b64b845a4acf07b02fa1870d63eb9d5a0460e4253bbda292601f77b2 [[project @ 1997-11-06 16:00:25 by mstachow] mstachow**19971106160025 Ignore-this: 4c4e05d4a1af9f3a258d9b965d36d5a3 ] hash: 0000000440-74ce9fc5d9e5db3e84eec9b578bf0fba7aea744664fa08b47ed4fe2347f0976f [[project @ 1997-11-06 16:26:57 by mstachow] mstachow**19971106162657 Ignore-this: 346f80e1630b8879fcc7aaa742723510 Don't free the path strings after setting them. ] hash: 0000000239-0ae3319df009582118eba392a5341d7c27eebad4235398b9028bb36272351c95 [[project @ 1997-11-06 22:11:40 by mstachow] mstachow**19971106221140 Ignore-this: 647a9672765a83abc68d9a10bffca0ad Change set-mini-icon! to load the mini-icon file when appropriate. This makes the #:mini-icon style option work. ] hash: 0000000552-ead162524d4843600856e8081fcc121c48f0eec6a036d945c58c10b71eea8f4f [[project @ 1997-11-06 22:11:50 by mstachow] mstachow**19971106221150 Ignore-this: 20d4670f63c50f66dbe48a6b67486e28 ] hash: 0000000273-4dfb88d02920bc1bf083b63180e764447650ec6812af3bc70ebfbb84775686d2 [[project @ 1997-11-07 07:00:35 by gjb] gjb**19971107070035 Ignore-this: fdd84d7429058967c1f51a37d387289e Updated to use menu-item more consistently. Add mini-icon for Emacs. Added icons for window ops menus. Still memory leaks from home.... process image grows to 55MB! ] hash: 0000006836-0b48e242c40f72ba31f32e620d35624e8365275035c3844f5a7cff30058fe56e [[project @ 1997-11-07 08:16:56 by mstachow] mstachow**19971107081656 Ignore-this: 755520443b4d8b8262713a08c0ef4d92 New file face.scm which implements a friendlier interface to title, button and border styles than the primitve interface. The exported procedures are title-style, border-style and button-style; they are somewhat analogous to the fvwm builtins with similar names. ] hash: 0000006188-3dd352d63b1907b1b62118951d5168a35c837786565d24db887178983ef2c8ee [[project @ 1997-11-07 08:26:19 by mstachow] mstachow**19971107082619 Ignore-this: a7b09c7df2ae100f9b8ab7d6ec450838 Renamed title-style to simple-title-style; the real title-style is now in face.scm. ] hash: 0000000706-d319fa925916599038054136f74125048358072916b519d85183ec91c6551c80 [[project @ 1997-11-07 08:26:31 by mstachow] mstachow**19971107082631 Ignore-this: 1000cebba1af44d7eed56e3a3f886458 ] hash: 0000000605-b9837d8bba12c22a74564de24ebfb6b98337aa849177f8825ef0dbee422a2cdb [[project @ 1997-11-07 08:27:17 by mstachow] mstachow**19971107082717 Ignore-this: 9ab68bebbe0b73b6ce4e25b0cc52171d Assorted fixes and suggestions. ] hash: 0000003922-63b85e49b7fc1770415016155d6398d6134823b41d679ac9406cec37cad53df4 [[project @ 1997-11-07 08:43:53 by mstachow] mstachow**19971107084353 Ignore-this: 16d9c56d9870e5ac6264e0276f27adcf More fixes and suggestions. ] hash: 0000000812-a68941615dde3439f3ad862e41e0cd6eb061979fb1f28302135957bd2942cdae [[project @ 1997-11-07 09:52:37 by mstachow] mstachow**19971107095237 Ignore-this: 35dd41b8a1ba02d679c073dcb09f9e4e Change an &optional to #&optional. Whoops. ] hash: 0000000321-9dafbbe731ef1ed8541ddd8b5fdd3c8b28646f381663e305f2d0cd775f46a198 [[project @ 1997-11-07 11:24:32 by mstachow] mstachow**19971107112432 Ignore-this: f401c55ababb172995b3b2363f31cec8 A new sample scwmrc file that illustrates the use of faces and decors. Not yet complete and totally gratuitous (who really needs to switch between win95, fvwm and mwm at runtime?) but somehow deeply satisfying. ] hash: 0000011729-f6c39c141584d8680829ca4c4187829ed43ca0ea8797a354f2d41d305711fe7b [[project @ 1997-11-07 11:25:49 by mstachow] mstachow**19971107112549 Ignore-this: f265b09225b4531048481ae5fe878091 Removed a remaining debugging message. ] hash: 0000000302-bfc1d5b8f6d402aa33d67ce350e663386ce1f9771e95155573924d86537ea5cd [[project @ 1997-11-07 14:03:38 by mstachow] mstachow**19971107140338 Ignore-this: 363020e54634f02ad4a0588edc6e11d Corrected the win95 and win95-gradient looks to be more accurate. ] hash: 0000002432-12f15a09b2a42035c96030b6471450a5a01e8bdfc7a0d36e9d7fa6ed583e285a [[project @ 1997-11-07 14:53:01 by mstachow] mstachow**19971107145301 Ignore-this: b80a0747854bd27ef26a191cb46ed312 Add more interesting button relief patterns to the fvwm face. ] hash: 0000000669-e7f90e4ede84845ae8add72bd6d15561d24774769bd97aa6e62caf66327dfebc [[project @ 1997-11-07 14:54:07 by mstachow] mstachow**19971107145407 Ignore-this: 9d347c979de7a1a40acd388a48d68db5 A file of sample relief patterns translated from various fvwmrc's. ] hash: 0000004793-b902eef805beeefa3b91377a4b98c01aa1c28f0f6d19604fee32ecfd4351471b [[project @ 1997-11-07 14:54:55 by mstachow] mstachow**19971107145455 Ignore-this: ab3391831fa4a0bdb962efd156ee3d13 Fix bug in add_face_spec_x to make relief patterns actually work. ] hash: 0000000535-8bf411f9a1a5fa980e550a2fc9092cdc374dc8761061e9f3d4f1c20fc9fc0eca [[project @ 1997-11-07 15:19:16 by mstachow] mstachow**19971107151916 Ignore-this: 58420a3508d2fbf5ad383af150792421 Made some minor improvements. ] hash: 0000001510-3489908e59833c0e76e5d274d1e2918209fc0464abe787ea08e90f34f781a482 [[project @ 1997-11-07 15:21:57 by mstachow] mstachow**19971107152157 Ignore-this: 3578224b5ffba3c7eab2949f722e9b5 Fixed the HOME variable for purposes of the checked-in version. ] hash: 0000000300-6e2cedf56e32c9bc6341f014ce6f1106f13e60a18dde357f544685e7a2fce181 [[project @ 1997-11-07 15:24:08 by mstachow] mstachow**19971107152408 Ignore-this: c6fe17c20ac2bbd200e57fe3751e020a REmoved debugging printf's. ] hash: 0000000377-72dd83db8652c9f3a957332cc8e5af1aafd88a5bb83fe08ef4319866b5066bcc [[project @ 1997-11-07 15:26:08 by mstachow] mstachow**19971107152609 Ignore-this: 73dd2d1f9ec2ab1083da815aa64ad616 Added assorted comments on things to fix. ] hash: 0000000786-081ef9200049336512b1a907b12b031fb1996e4403ed44a14dd46ca655eac02a [[project @ 1997-11-08 01:04:41 by gjb] gjb**19971108010441 Ignore-this: 5b9a5dcbb7821f769fd1ae1c6f00be8a Minor changes, updates to comments. Does *not* leak huge amounts of memory from machine at school; will debug this from home. ] hash: 0000001390-8a16ee433ce5620eacdd5ef15f7ea9783c43bd87afddc779cf2810fa032fdd78 [[project @ 1997-11-08 22:21:42 by gjb] gjb**19971108222142 Ignore-this: b595b18aaa290ec5a04f0cc1782b453a Added, only the outline for the object. Actually will probably rework this into a Picture object, and integrate the code in Picture.c, but I want to get the rest of these changes committed now as they're moderately pervasive. ] hash: 0000001622-b1ec62792cae65f5bef5e6e8f43150a882ac1538d139b9944d80556990d7542e [[project @ 1997-11-08 22:23:05 by gjb] gjb**19971108222305 Ignore-this: 5913d0300137f8ce98036474912692ca Remove all the EXTRA_DEFINES except for PATH_DEFINES Added pixmap.c file; no longer use builtins.c Added note about trying to fix "make clean" so it doesn't rebuild dependencies (*.d files) before erasing them. That's silly -- know how to fix this? ] hash: 0000001188-b9d82a52aa9d92b94b1718fc0c933a7c1850c233f9a47dc03b6b6bb786ad3f19 [[project @ 1997-11-08 22:23:44 by gjb] gjb**19971108222344 Ignore-this: 35608e82d3a3d1376732751af6769d67 Updated w/ some more properties ] hash: 0000000218-f986759f206135205df67b624085f5a6b9c63620735661cfcfe6b9cacd4653e5 [[project @ 1997-11-08 22:25:46 by gjb] gjb**19971108222546 Ignore-this: b7041502afe8c51bb630be13acc2412e Minor rearranging, cleanup. ] hash: 0000000539-bc6319730145337a4acf0b0b5d1f670668cc9ecaa8c7076a2cbb530ebd0749f3 [[project @ 1997-11-08 22:36:48 by gjb] gjb**19971108223650 Ignore-this: c23ea34a6fc3d7ea1a884bdaaaf1f72b Big cleanup of misc.h and misc.c; scwm_msg takes an enum scwm_msg_levels, instead of using MACROS Use EXTERN and EXTERN_SET macros and _IMPLEMENTATION to reduce redundancy of variable declarations and definitions Remove GetPicture() -- unused Added some comments to Picture code Fixed unused var warning in add_window.c No longer need builtins.c -- will remove next checkin, but want this version in repo, before moving to Attic; some of the functions that are used got moved into window.c and menus.c Remove redundant ensure_valid and VALIDATEN() proto/macro from decor.c Rename My_XNextEvent to XNextEvent_orTimeout(); Use __FUNCTION__ inside instead of repeating the name (this is a gcc extension, so we may need to replace these w/ function names later, but during development it's a headache) Remove more lingering old module code. Removed old resize_window function from resize.c Added pixmap scheme object initialization stuff to scmtypes.c ] hash: 0000051599-50c190cd2fa237a8615914a341659f2a9a110a5f38a07bb490af99cd97413368 [[project @ 1997-11-08 22:56:32 by gjb] gjb**19971108225633 Ignore-this: 164303f794914052c57ed72ddaa6519 Removed builtins.c, updated Changelog ] hash: 0000012150-6437dd88589526d2eda2bd26222ab19c46cc62cdf1f6c433b779a772d5d20510